ASCEND feasibility study is split in 4 phases that are performed on a 16 months timeframe starting from January the 10th 2023 :
- Analysis of Data Centres needs and context
- Space Data Centres system architecture trade-off and optimization
- Space Data Centres definition
- Space Data Centres feasibility, budgets and roadmap analysis
Phase 1 : Needs and Context Analysis
Goal was to identify a set of environmental and technical requirements for the Space Data Centre System. These requirements have served as baseline(s) for the architectural trade offs that have been performed in second phase.
First months of the study have been focused on the establishment of a view of context for European Data Centres. This in term of current and predicted capacity and lifetime environmental footprint.
Data centres energy consumption could reach 3,4% of the European Union electricity demand in 2030. This consumption is foreseen to be stable up to 2050 whereas the overall European energy consumption should decrease to 2050, in line with the carbon emission reduction strategy taken by European countries. Therefore data centres part in the European energy consumption should increase. Which enforce the idea to remove part of data centres consumption to reduce carbon footprint and electricity grid demand.

By 2030, EU Data Centres energy consumption would reach 108TWh.

GHG budgets have been determined up to 2050 horizon allowing to determine a maximum CO2 footprint threshold between 12 kTCO2/MWCap for space data centres, in order to offer benefits with respect to terrestrial data centres.
In parallel to data centres context, an analysis of space data centres use cases has been performed in order to identify 9 use cases for which space assets would be relevant :

Phase 2 : System Architecture Trade-off and Optimisation
Objective was to define an optimum systems architecture and operational concepts for the space-based data centre system, derived from the functional and operational requirements from previous phase analysis.
Consortium has traded the main architecture choices, optimize the functional breakdown and allocations over the complex ground and space infrastructure, the interfaces, the life cycle, reliability, security, and logistics. With also discussion around how to maintain, support, upgrade the future space-based data centre system.
Trade-off analysis was initiated with the identification of the uses cases associated IT hardware needs and associated budgets in term of processing and storage capabilities and associated budgets (power consumption, thermal regulation and mass). 10MW data centres capacity has then been identified as the targetable minimum capacity (Minimum Viable Product MVP) to offer services associated to needs.
System infrastructure trade-offs used the previous data to determine the needs for solar panel and radiator surfaces in order to define an overall mass figure to be deployed in space. Associated to the MVP capacity, 4 000m² solar panel and 2000m² radiator surfaces has been estimated. Leading to more than 1200 tons for the space infrastructure.
Launch solutions analysis was mainly focused on the use of an Heavy Lift Launcher, in order to launch as much as possible payload per launch to limit the overall environmental footprint. Up to 70 tons launcher capability has been considered, with deposit to a parking orbit and transfer vehicle up to the 1400km altitude Sun-Synchronous Orbit considered for the mission.
Objective was to minimize in particular environmental impact (carbon footprint and creation of debris), launch recurring and non-recurring costs, technical a programmatic risk.
To achieve this goal, a carbon footprint threshold has been defined to ensure the benefit of ASCEND solution with respect to terrestrial means.
Phase 3 : European Space Data Centre Definition
Based on the trade-offs conducted in phase 2 leading to preliminary system infrastructure and launch solutions, phase 3 objectives to provide a first definition of the proposed European Space Data Centre. For this purpose, it has compiled all the major system elements of the proposed architecture and identify the interfaces between them.
Space Data Centres architecture rely on several multiple modules space infrastructures. 10MW infrastructure has been considered as too complex to be managed within a standalone infrastructure.
Therefore the MVP architecture is splitted in several Building Blocks of 800kW data centre capacity. Theses Building Blocks encompass Cloud IT hardwares, Power generation, Thermal regulation, Communication means within and between Building Blocks, Attitude Control and robots.
Each Building Block will be launched within a single Heavy Semi-Reusable Launcher Vehicle directly toward the final deployment orbit at 1400km altitude. Following deposit on final orbit, BB will be deployed by in-orbit robotic assembly.
13 BBs for a MVP will then be deployed in formation and will communicate together using high speed optical communication link. Several MVP to be deployed to provide an overall SDC space infrastructure.
Phase 4 : Feasibility Assessment (on-going)
The aim of this Work Package is:
- To analyse the Environmental performances of the proposed solution based on the feasibility assessment vs. terrestrial solutions;
- To define the overall Space Data Centre system solution performances;
- To assess the Business Model viability of the proposed solution;
- To identify the potential growth coming from technical or needs projection and check the robustness to the associated impacts.
- To draft the industrial model via a system development plan