ASCEND Final Review
ASCEND final review will take place on 18th of June 2024 in Brussels.
Please use the contact form to express your interest.
ASCEND Progress Meeting
ASCEND Progress Meeting took place at the end of phase 3 in order to freeze the baseline architecture and to initiate the analysis regarding the deployment and development roadmaps.
The multiple large space infrastructure architecture has been selected and preliminary budgets have been presented. A Space Data Centre will be composed of several building blocks. Within each building blocks a combination of space modules. Each module encompass the necessary cloud IT hardware, Perovskite based solar power generation array, Heat Pump System thermal regulation, Internal and external optical communication links. Building blocks are assembled using free walking robotic arms.
A preliminary deployment roadmap has been defined in order to assess the feasibility of such project.
1GW in orbit Cloud Data Centre Capacity is considered at 2050 horizon, this in order to have a significant impact on ground energy grid release
A first step is foreseen by 2040 with 200 MW deployed.
10MW MVP deployment towards 2035 will initiate the Space Data Centre deployment.
ASCEND architecture leads to a change of paradigm for space industry, with higher production capacity requested for such ambitious project. This future space industry approach would open opportunities for the use of space environment at large scale but with decrease of the associated application and services environmental footprint.

ASCEND technical Workshop
In the frame of Phase 3, ASCEND Definition, consortium team grouped at Thales Alenia Space premises in Toulouse (France).
During one day, team members worked together on several topic to trade and define solution for the baseline architecture. Discussed topics were about:
- in-orbit manufacturing, assembly and maintenance
- IT Hardware spatialization
- Communication (internal and external) architecture
Technical and System Architecture, and System Requirement Reviews
Common review has been held at the end of phase 3, the Technical and System Architecture review and the System Requirements review.
This was the opportunity to present and exchange about the identified high level architecture concept for Space Data Centre, and associated technical requirements.
System Requirements have been based on phase 1 outcomes, identified use cases for space data centres and the preliminary environmental footprint to comply with. Therefore a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for SDC has been defined at 10MW of IT hardware capacity, this in order to provide sufficient capacity to answer the requested use cases. Several MVPs are considered for a SDC system, and to have a significant impact on the IT sector carbon footprint towards 2050.
Preliminary system definition has been shared during the Technical and System Architecture review, allowing to give first estimates of SDC architecture. This architecture is based on several building blocks, composed of several modules.
Each modules will enclosed encompass IT hardware, thermal regulation, in-orbit control attitude, communication, and solar power generation means.
A building block (BB) is composed of several modules connected and assembled thanks to robotics means. An overall BB is expected to be launched within one Heavy Lift Launcher (HLL).
User Requirement Review
At the end of Phase 1, User Requirement Review has been held in order to present the outcomes of the first activities related to data centre context and need identification, and data centre environmental footprint projection.
Several use cases have been identified for space data centres application.
A Carbon footprint model has been realized for both terrestrial and Space Data Centres (SDC) and will be used during the following phase to be able to compare the space solution benefits with respect to on-earth ones.
Kick-Off Meeting
ASCEND feasibility study kick-off meeting took place on the 10th of January 2023 in Thales Alenia Space premises in Cannes (France).
This was the first time that the complete ASCEND team was reunited with representative of each consortium companies and members of the advisory board.